My eye skin care. How does it look like?

Many people want to learn my eye skin care routine. You keep asking me how it is possible that my face bares no traces of fine lines. Well, I owe you explanation here: there are some fine lines on my face which can be seen mainly when I smile. Facial expressions take their toll and you can do nothing about it… Some things must be taken for granted, and this applies mainly to wrinkles, taxes and death 🙂 Luckily, however, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles. Since eye skin is the most delicate and isn’t able to produce the protective sebum – it ages the fastest. Today, I’ll advise you on how to take care of it properly.

Eye cream: Why do we buy it separately?

As you probably know this, eye skin is both more fragile and at the same time more demanding when compared to other face parts. Also, it’s definitely thinner and there is no lipid coat to protect it, hence increased risk of dehydration. In order not to allow fine lines to blemish your eye skin, you must enrich the daily beauty ritual with an eye cream. And let me just answer the question you want to ask now – no, you can’t treat your eye skin with a regular face cream due to this ‘otherness’ of eye skin. Now it becomes clear that eye cream should contain other set of ingredients, and by saying that I mean that an eye cream should focus on the needs of this small face area only.

It may happen that a face cream causes an allergic reaction on this delicate eye skin. Therefore, apart from choosing a dedicated product, you may also try to find an eye cream with gel consistency – it’s more delicate and easier to apply. It goes without saying that you must also pay attention to the ingredients used – you should find there soothing substances as well as relieving and nourishing ingredients. Moreover, it’s better if an eye cream contains particles responsible for brightening this skin area up and bouncing light. This is how you will make your face look well-rested and glowing.

Obviously, if you’re young, your skin doesn’t require to be treated with a product containing strong ingredients like retinol of peptides. Therefore, if you haven’t turned 25 yet, you should reach for creams that give you these two effects: moisture and increase of blood flow. Mature woman in turn should apply eye creams that deliver anti-ageing effects, the ones that fight off wrinkles, protect and offer a high concentration of active substances.

Problems with delicate eye skin

Well, there is plenty of them and the most serious ones include dark circles and puffiness. Another nightmare is the irritation, skin redness and the timeless classic (once you reach 30) – the wrinkles. Do you know what factors deteriorate the state of eye skin? There are pretty many of them. Let me list you just the most important ones:

  • leading unhealthy lifestyle
  • sleep deprivation
  • chronic stress
  • hours-long work in front of a screen
  • too much time spent in front of TV (eh, those TV shows!)
  • bad eating habits
  • excessive drinking
  • cigarette smoking
  • overexposure to the sun
  • dehydration

The things get a little bit more serious when deteriorated state of eye skin is caused by hormones, shortages of iron and vitamin K, diabetics, hypertension, renal and liver failure. It’s obvious that in such cases neither lifestyle changing nor the use of better eye cream would help you fix this problem – simply, you must see a doctor.

To prevent the state of eye skin from deteriorating, you should:

  • get enough sleep, which means that you should get at least a 7-hour quality nighttime sleep
  • rest well
  • spend time outdoors (expose yourself to fresh air)
  • hydrate yourself, which means that you should drink 2 liters of fresh water a day
  • cut down on salty food (indeed, salt makes your eye skin puffy)
  • cut down on drugs (including coffee)

Home remedies to keep eye skin neat

Luckily, they are simple, fast and fairly effective. They saved me many times in the morning or before so-called big events.

  1. Cool poultice. Take 2 cotton pads, soak them with water/chamomile/aloe juice. Put them in a fridge and you can use them when chilled.
  2. Massage given with a jade roller. Such roller is a miracle worker when it comes to achieving firm skin. Of course, you can use this facial tool to massage your entire face. Jade roller is delicate, smooth and stays cool for long.
  3. And now this timeless classic – cucumber slicers. Fresh cucumber reduces puffiness and dark circles in a single step. It brights skin up, moisturizes and has an anti-ageing effect. 5 minutes with cucumber slices on eyelids in the morning suffice to improve the appearance of your entire face.

Do you too have some home remedies that help you enjoy having good-looking eye skin? Do you use natural oils to treat these delicate face parts? How does your eye skin care look like? Leave a comment!