Herbal water. Is it a good alternative to facial toner?

Are you familiar with using herbal water in skin care? Do you even know what herbal water is? Perhaps some of you already have favorite distillates, e.g. floral water? Please let me know in the comments but before doing so, please read on to get acquainted with the benefits of using herbal waters. Also, I’m going to tell you how to introduce them into your daily personal care regimen 🙂 Enjoy!

Herbal waters, known commonly as herbal distillates or floral waters, are gaining in popularity nowadays. Although you can find them in many beauty products, they can be also used solo, treated as separate and individual beauty products. What are they?

In practice, herbal distillate (herbal/floral waters) is just a side product obtained during extraction of essential oils.

What should you know about herbal waters?

It may seem that since it’s a side product then it’s probably worthless. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Herbal distillate contains many precious nutrients, including trace amounts of essential oils. Owing to the fact that the amounts are really scarce, herbal distillate – contrary to essential oil – can be applied directly to skin without thinning it with water first and without the risk of possible irritations. What’s important, herbal distillate has similar acidic pH when compared to the human skin’s. Additionally, it has subtle aroma. As you can see, such product is all-natural and free from synthetic additives.

Herbal waters in personal care

From the time scientists discovered the benefits of herbal waters, the approach to personal care has changed a lot. We’re finding more and more ways of applying herbal waters to improve our physical appearance. Here are the most popular ones:

herbal distillate instead of facial toner

Since herbal distillate has neutral pH and additionally has a nourishing effect, I can’t see why we shouldn’t use it as an alternative to facial toner. Herbal water knows how to soothe irritations, nourish skin and prevent water loss.

herbal distillate as a scalp conditioner

Natural herbal distillate appears to be an incredibly rich source of nutrients, antibacterial substances and components that are responsible for regulating work of sebaceous glands – all of these make herbal distillate a really good alternative to a regular scalp conditioner. When massaged into scalp, herbal distillate can prevent oily hair and brings relief to skin easily. What’s more, it can even prevent hair loss and dandruff.

herbal distillate as a face/hair mist

The consistency is just perfect, it’s lightweight and gives you this fresh feeling, therefore you can use herbal distillate as face/hair mists. All you need is a bottle with atomizer.

herbal distillate as a base for homemade beauty products

Still, most commonly herbal distillate is used as a base for homemade beauty products. For example, herbal distillate may replace regular water that we use to dissolve clays, oils, algaes, honey and herbs. Owing to using herbal distillate instead of water, your DIY cosmetic will be richer in nutrients so the effects delivered to skin will be stronger.

Benefits of using herbal distillates. Which one to choose?

I guess it won’t surprise you when I say that the effects a particular herbal distillate is able to produce are strictly connected with the plant it is extracted from. Therefore, you should follow the needs of your skin and hair while selecting the herbal distillate for yourself.

Here are the most popular herbal distillates in hair and skin care:

  1. Witch hazel water – suitable for oily, sensitive, allergic, couperose skin. Also, it can be used as a sunburn remedy. Moreover, it cleanses skin, shrinks skin pores, has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects from irritating agents. Finally, witch-hazel water helps you take care of irritated scalp and deals with dandruff.
  2. Rose water – I just adore this herbal distillate for smelling wonderful. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Rose water also strengthens blood vessels and soothes irritations. It’s world-recognized as rejuvenating water that restores suppleness and smoothness to skin. It does both things: counteracts ageing processes and reduces wrinkles in a single step.
  3. Mint water – it’s definitely the best option for those of you who like the aroma of mint. It’s recommended to be used for acne skin and to combat hair loss problem because it’s one of the most potent natural cleansers and antiseptic agents. Additionally, mint water improves blood flow and reinforces hair bulbs.
  4. Lavender water – it’s aroma helps our mind projects these breathtaking Provençal views. This herbal distillate should be used to soothe irritations and reduce inflammations. Moreover, it deals with sunburns and deals with bacteria. Finally, it moisturizes and fights back free radicals that are responsible for worsening the state of skin.