‘What do you know about moisturizing?’ What to do so that a cosmetic TRULY moisturize?

Well hello, my pretty things!

Today, I have some really important information on skin moisturizing that I’d like to share with you. Do you know why, in spite of countless moisturizing cosmetics in your possession, your skin still looks like paper? Is it dehydrated and lacks elasticity? As it turns out when it comes to the skin you have to undertake a very… logical approach. Today, I will tell you how to do just that! Enjoy my post.

Skin moisturizing – does cream moisturize?

Moisturizing cream is not called this way for its hydrating properties. It only retains water in the deeper layers of the skin. A good quality face cream is able to pick those particles up and bind them in greater clusters to prevent skin from drying. However, remember that moisturizing cream cannot hydrate skin! It’s a myth or more precisely, lack of awareness as to correct terminology.

The best moisturizing ingredients in cosmetics

Creams contain, so-called, moisturizing ingredients. Yet, those don’t actually hydrate the skin because they are not water-based particles but substances, which – as I mentioned – bind the water in the epidermis to prevent its loss. It ensures the constantly moisturized skin effect. The best ingredient with hydrophobic action is hyaluronic acid that is simply the king of every skincare routine. Guess what, one particle of hyaluronic acid is capable to bind 200 particles of water!

Hyaluronic acid is a base for skin care of the skin in every age, so start today and make sure you have it in your cream or face serum. Another thing to try is a face mask with hyaluronic acid in composition.

Collagen is yet another invaluable ingredient, also known as a protein present in connective tissue. Collagen is responsible for suppleness and elasticity of the epidermis. Cosmetics usually contain hydrolyzed collagen that creates a hydrophilic layer on the skin to prevent water loss.

The third moisturizing substance in creams is urea. It is simply the product of protein metabolism. It is most commonly present in urine and sweat. It gains moisturizing properties when used in 10% concentration. Then it supports the moisturizing process, pulling water to skin cells and increasing its amount in the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Why doesn’t moisturizing cosmetic work?

It is quite a common question. I know many of you spend a little fortune on moisturizing cosmetics and then it turns out that effects are nowhere to be seen. Well, a lot depends on us… yes, we are the ones who have an impact on whether the moisturizing cream will work or not. If you fail to deliver the organism with the right amount of water during the day, then sadly the cream will not have anything to bind or store up in the skin. So, it’s important to drink half a gallon of water a day and in the summer season even more. The hydration of the skin on the inside is what starts all the skincare routine. Bear in mind that if you drink too little of it then even the high-end cream won’t be able to help you, unlike when it would have proper conditions to work.

Is moisturizing cream bad for skin in the winter?

Aargh, there is still this notion that freeze makes water in the skin solidify and that cream can only harm skin because it causes frostbites. Perhaps that was the case with moisturizing creams in the past. However, good cream with good composition will not harm your skin. After all its task is to create a protective layer so that epidermis does not suffer from unfavorable environmental changes. So, do not fret and go ahead and apply the moisturizing cream and other cosmetics with high quality. Moreover, in the winter you can use cosmetics dedicated to this season of the year as those are richer in occlusive ingredients and oils so that skin can gain even better protection against a freeze.